Bitter Orange Diet Pills – Are They Safe or Banned?

Scientists have been searching for a safe and legal Ephedra alternative for years, and it seems they may have found it in Bitter Orange diet pills. Sometimes called Synephrine and taken from the Citrus Aurantium plant, these days it is included in a select few metabolism-boosting diet pills for its fat-burning properties.

You can sometimes buy Bitter Orange in a variety of forms, from capsules to pills, and from many different manufacturers, depending on whether the ingredient is banned in your country.

At the time of writing, Synephrine was banned in Canada and the UK. Many other countries have started the banning process worldwide with others imposing restrictions.

If you are still set on buying Synephrine supplements, remember that not all Bitter Orange diet pills are created equal with varying amounts of active ingredients included and combined with different herbs and chemicals.

bitter orange diet pills come from the citrus treeHow Does Bitter Orange Work for Weight Loss?

Bitter orange can help with weight loss thanks to its key ingredient, synephrine, which works a bit like caffeine.

Synephrine boosts your metabolism, helping you burn more calories throughout the day. It also helps curb your appetite, so you're less likely to snack.

Plus, it encourages your body to break down fat for energy. By increasing thermogenesis, it raises your body temperature slightly, which helps you burn even more calories.

Bitter orange works for weight loss because it is a central nervous system stimulant. This means it gets your heart pumping and blood flowing as it does after exercise.

It is thought to boost metabolism and thus burn fat. This is why a paper published by the Journal of Medicine (2002) stated it was the best thermogenic substitute for Ephedra.

“However, more studies are needed to establish this definitively.”¹

It is also used for appetite suppression qualities, which means you feel less hungry in between meals so you are less likely to snack and overeat.

The Dark Side of Bitter Orange

Unfortunately, bitter orange diet pills especially when combined with other stimulants can cause serious negative side effects, and it is particularly hard on the heart.

Side effects of Bitter Orange pills include:

  • Heart attack
  • Stroke
  • High blood pressure

That is why we no longer recommend looking for a diet pill with this ingredient because it really is not worth putting your health at risk for the sake of losing a few pounds.

Synephrine (Bitter Orange extract) is also banned in many countries now, so it isn't even available to buy online or in stores.

It is not banned universally but is restricted worldwide due to safety concerns. It is banned by organizations such as the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) and the United States Military due to its stimulant properties, which can potentially cause adverse health effects like increased heart rate and blood pressure.

However, synephrine itself is not banned by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the United States, although it is recommended to be used with caution due to the potential for severe side effects, especially when combined with other stimulants like caffeine​

You don't have to risk your health by taking dangerous diet pills.

Especially when there are highly effective weight loss ingredients contained in our top-rated fat burner PhenQ. These are scientifically proven to be just as, or more effective than Bitter Orange for causing safe, steady weight loss.

Best Bitter Orange Alternative

In PhenQ, several appetite suppressants, stimulants, and fat burners come together to make what some are calling “the ultimate diet pill”.

People who have tried the supplement claim that it gives you a boost of energy similar to Ephedra without the shakes and racing heart that Bitter Orange diet pills can give you. PhenQ is also safe, 100% legal to take and buy, and without known side effects.

And most importantly, it really works for causing significant and steady weight loss

Click here to read my full PhenQ review


1 – Preuss, Harry & DiFerdinando, Donna & Bagchi, Mihir & Bagchi, Debasis. (2002). Citrus aurantium as a thermogenic, weight-reduction replacement for ephedra: An overview. Journal of medicine. 33. 247-64.

Author: Aileen Boyd

Hi, I'm Aileen Boyd, the owner of Diet Pill Judge. I have personally tried loads of diet pills over the years and found that only a few of them really work.
My background is in science, so I set out to find supplements that have scientific evidence behind them and which I can confidently recommend.

Last Updated on July 2, 2024 by Aileen Boyd

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