Zotrim is a well-established diet pill known for its appetite suppressant properties. Quite simply it makes you feel less hungry throughout the day and therefore you will find it easy to stick to a diet and say no to treats.
Over time it supports a healthy and sustainable rate of weight loss that has left many people delighted with the results.
Not only do people who have tried Zotrim rave about the weight loss results they've seen, but it is also extensively clinically proven to help with weight loss without requiring a change in lifestyle.
At the time of writing, there are five separate clinical trials supporting it and over ten papers in scientific journals written about it.
With claims that Zotrim could help you to lose 5% of your body weight in only 6 weeks, it's no surprise that people have been raving about the effectiveness and weight loss dieters have achieved when taking Zotrim.
Zotrim contains a patented blend of natural, organic, and vegan ingredients that have been scientifically proven to aid the reduction of food consumption and cause healthy weight loss.
Yerba Maté – Its leaves have been used in traditional medicine to help curb cravings and reduce hunger pangs for many years. It is also used to give you an energy boost so exercising will be easier to tackle, helping your own natural weight loss efforts.
Guarana – Due to its stimulating effect, Guarana is used to boost your metabolism allowing you to burn more fat naturally, around the clock.
Damiana – Zotrim's secret weapon in the fight against fat stores comes in the form of mood-enhancing Damiana. Extremely useful for combating emotional eating.
Caffeine – A weight loss staple ingredient is caffeine, which we all know helps give you that “get up and go”, making exercise easier to face and naturally boosting your metabolism.
Vitamin B3 and B6 – Ever felt tired and lethargic when you are on a diet? These carefully chosen vitamins aid in reducing fatigue, so you don't feel tired and sluggish during your weight loss journey.
How does Zotrim work?
The recommended dosage is 2 tablets prior to each meal. Taken in this manner you can ensure that when you eat a meal, Zotrim will help you avoid eating too much in the first place, and allow what you do eat to keep you full for much longer (so no room for snacking!).
As well as making you feel fuller for longer, Zotrim also provides an energy boost to keep you going throughout the day. With all that extra energy and with just a few minutes of exercise each day you could achieve even better results!
Containing all-natural ingredients, and being a completely safe diet pill, Zotrim is the perfect choice for any dieter who wants to avoid taking dangerous ingredients in their slimming pills.
Clinical Proof that Zotrim Really Works
In one clinical study into Zotrim's effect on hunger and snacking, the researchers asked 73 overweight healthcare workers if they felt they struggled with feeling hungry and snacking between meals. 65% agreed, but after taking Zotrim for 4 weeks, only 15% agreed.
When I say people felt fuller for longer when taking Zotrim I really mean it. In another clinical trial that analyzed the time taken for a person's stomach to empty, before Zotrim it took 38 minutes, and after it took 58 minutes. This means people really do stay full longer after eating when they take this.
In a clinical study that compared average weight loss when taking Zotrim to weight loss when taking a placebo, people lost 10 times more weight when taking Zotrim. Yes, even without any change to their diet or exercise program they still lost significantly more weight than if they took a placebo.
Zotrim Make the News
Its unique ability to cause significant weight loss hasn't gone unnoticed by the press.
Splashed across the pages of the Daily Mail newspaper was an article on Zotrim. The headline claims that this herbal diet pill can cure a sweet tooth. This is fantastic news for anyone who has fought against chocolate and sweet cravings.
It was marketed in the past as the way to “Lose your love handles” and there was no doubt it was going to be a weight-loss sensation.
Zotrim Side Effects
Apart from a very low occurrence of slight nausea, Zotrim has no known side effects, has a strong safety record in customers from all over the world, and is an entirely natural product.
Caution should be taken, just like when taking any dietary supplements, in anyone who :
Is under 18
Is pregnant or breastfeeding – It is OK to take after breastfeeding finishes to help you regain your pre-baby figure.
Has a medical condition – You should consult a doctor before taking any dietary supplements
Is taking medication – You should get the go-ahead to take this pill from your doctor although, to the manufacturer's knowledge, it doesn't have any known interactions
How much weight can I lose?
Zotrim was tested as part of the BBC 2 program “Professor Regan’s Diet Clinic” and was found to produce weight loss results of 11lb more than a group of diet pill testers given a placebo. It outperformed all of the other diet pills reviewed in the show.
It also receives extremely positive reviews from happy customers:
Before Zotrim
Always content with her slender figure, Sharon Briers had never had to worry about her weight before until she had a baby.
Gaining over 4 stone during her pregnancy, Sharon’s clothes size rose from a slim size 10 to a heavy size 16, leaving her feeling self conscious about her appearance.
After trying a variety of meal replacements and exercise regimes with little success, Sharon was almost ready to give up when she spotted a feature about Zotrim in the newspaper.
After Zotrim
For the first time, Sharon felt confident she could lose weight and that Zotrim was the answer she was looking for.
Without radically changing her diet or exercise plan, Sharon had managed to lose 4 stone.
-“Zotrim is simple to work into my busy life and highly effective at helping me eat less.”
Where can I buy it?
When you buy it from the official website you can take advantage of secure payment and worldwide delivery from a trusted source.
Buying direct means you don't have to pay retailer markup and can get deals such as buy 2 boxes get 1 free, which is ideal if you have a lot of weight to lose.
Yes, one dose contains the same amount of caffeine as just one cup of coffee, 75 mg.
If you are caffeine-sensitive and concerned you could look into reducing your overall caffeine intake by avoiding energy drinks and coffee etc. while taking this product.
What makes Zotrim different from all the other diet pills on the market?
You are probably aware that there are thousands of weight loss products and diet pills to choose from. What you might not know is that a large percentage of these products don't have serious, or even any kind of scientific proof backing up their claims.
Zotrim has the full backing of several clinical studies that show that both it's ingredients and the product as a whole genuinely work for causing safe, steady, sustained weight loss results.
Do I have to start a new diet and exercise regime in order for it to work?
The short answer is no, you can continue your current exercise and diet plans and still lose weight using this diet pill. Obviously, if you can manage to work out more, or eat a little less then your weight loss results will be boosted.
Also, it will help in these areas helping you to feel less hungry and have an energy boost for workouts. So you may find it easier to increase your exercise and dieting efforts.
Hi, I'm Aileen Boyd, the owner of Diet Pill Judge. I have personally tried loads of diet pills over the years and found that only a few of them really work.
My background is in science, so I set out to find supplements that have scientific evidence behind them and which I can confidently recommend.